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What’s Happening

Turn of the lights - save some water

11/01/17 West Middle

Energy Fact: For every 1000 kilowatt hours we save in energy use, we also save 600 gallons of water used to make the electricity. Turn off the lights and save some money and some water …

Recycle Plastic Bottles

10/25/17 West Middle

Every hour, Americans throw away 2.5 million plastic bottles. Here are two simple things we can all do to help change this: 1. Use a refillable water bottle 2. If you do end up with a plastic water bottle, recycle it rather than throwing it in the trash. Together, we can make a difference!

Today’s Energy Fact:

10/10/17 West Middle

FACT: The U.S. Department of Energy estimates that 25-30% of all energy used in schools is wasted.

Post-It Reminders

10/10/17 Oakwood Elementary

The Power patrol put post-it reminders on the light switches to remind teachers and students to turn out the lights.

Auditing continues....

05/09/17 Gleason Lake Elementary

The kids at Gleason Lake are heading out tonight for a final energy audit after school. They have worked so hard to spread the message to their teachers to help reduce energy used each day. So proud of their hard work!

Green Team Patrol

05/08/17 Oakwood Elementary

Last Power Patrol Audit for the year today! Students also gave teachers summer shutdown recommendations.

Power Patrols

05/02/17 Gleason Lake Elementary

We are working hard to spread the message, unplug and power down. Energy audits done!

Spring Clean Up

04/24/17 Oakwood Elementary

Spring Clean Up Day!!

Science Museum Field Trip

03/24/17 Gleason Lake Elementary

Third graders watched Our Beautiful Planet at the Omni Theater and learned about the destruction of rainforest and how through conservation we can help.

Green Team in Action

03/23/17 Gleason Lake Elementary

The green team is celebrating spring this week at Gleason Lake by cleaning up the Outdoor Learning Center.